Invest In Their Future

Skill Development

Skill Development for self-sustainng jobs to underpriveleged people

Skill Development programs

Cooking Classes

Cooking Classes
We conduct cookery classes for the community members passionate about cooking twice a week at our centers. Connnect with us to know more. You can also help us help people learn job oriented cooking.

Sewing Machine Classes

Sewing Machine

Livelihood earning oriented training classes for tailoring and sewing machine usage for the community members interested in developing their skills. Join our centers to learn sewing machine usage.

Yoga Classes

Yoga does wonders both for your health and mental well being. Join our centers for regular Yoga practice and become qualified Yoga Instructors to earn sustainable income by imparting Yoga lessons to people near you.

Papad – Masala Production


We offer training to people for making Papad and Masala mixtures to help them earn sustaianble income through. Join our centers to learn how to make Papad and Masalas.

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